You’re beautiful and you’re different

I was amazed when I meet you at the first time.

When the sun began to say hello, you’ve seen so perfect.

My heart was thrilled when the first time you greets me.

As if my heart was stopped.

Whether it be love ?

Or it’s the answer to every prayer.

Is this a sign ?

A sign that you are the reason why I live in the world.

You are so special.

Your pretty face reminds me of the great paradise.

You are very different.

Made me love at the first sight.

Your smile is very tempting.

Make me hard to speak.

You are beautiful and you are different.

hopefully god ordained us to belong together.

About opickipo

kadang serius tapi lebih suka banyak bercanda

Posted on Juni 6, 2015, in Puisi. Bookmark the permalink. Tinggalkan komentar.

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