
Week passed after the last i saw you

A pair of beautiful eyes at the twilight

When the sun smiling to shining the earth

As if tell me that will never see that smile again

A beauty that i could see from my eyes

And maybe those typical noisy voice that throwing clearly from your pretty lips

Lonely… Maybe this feeling is accompany me faithfully

Because i seperate from an angel who always make my heart imprisoned when i saw at the first sight

Empty… As if perfect mood shine in the dark night without the stars

Longing… As if the nightfall after the sky was splashing the rain waiting for a rainbow to smile

I dont know when the time will be come back

The time when i see you smile at the first time

So beautiful that impression in the hearts

Maybe it comes when we are be more better than now

The time that always i waiting to happen

About opickipo

kadang serius tapi lebih suka banyak bercanda

Posted on Juni 25, 2015, in Puisi. Bookmark the permalink. Tinggalkan komentar.

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